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Position:Home>History> In what ways were the domestic economies and politics of the western democracies

Question: In what ways were the domestic economies and politics of the western democracies transformed by WWI!?
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WWI had profound and lasting effects on the world economy; therefore, there were many forces that transformed the West, its economy, and its citizens!. The result of this war is still felt to these days!. The world has changed completely, because long lasting empires of Europe had collapsed, and many new nations gained independence from it!. This event alone had significant effect on the economies of post WWI!.

Prior WWI, Europe had experienced rapid economic growth and significant achievement in every field of human life!. This war brought many countries to bankruptcy!. The war ended the uninterrupted capitalism and gave government more tools in interfering with economy, either throughout central bank and expanding money supply, or creating tax liabilities for millions of war veterans!. Hunger that was widespread throughout the end of the war also gives a rise of country’s food self-sufficiency!. Many countries depended on export of several agricultural products such as sugar and wheat, and found their markets disappear immediately!. This had overwhelming effect on the life in the countryside and increased demand for land reform or encouraged higher migration of people to the cities!. WWI encouraged mass production and many new tools were widely used for the first time!. Car, communication, electric equipment, chemical industry extremely benefitted from the war, while textile and food processing declined!. As a whole, economies of the West became far more modern and efficient due the war and utilization of industry while using fewer resources!.

The social trauma of the war was felt much longer for the West than the postwar disruption!. It was shock for entire society, and every country involved in war lost the most productive population group!. Some states lost up to 20% of young men between ages 20-35!. Women had to start to do men’s work, and it gave them better social status and more rights!. War also discredited churches and boost secular movement throughout the Europe!. Catholic Church alone lost millions of members in the 20’s!. Russian revolution and numerous workers’ uprising from Hungary to Germany boosted calls for social justice and greater share of the state wealth among its citizens!. The society was radicalized and seeds of the left or right wing dictatorship could be traced directly to WWI!.
This war was certainly significant event in human history, and there is no way to describe all the forces that modified the West!. Nonetheless, the world became more technologically advanced, more citizens oriented, and more interconnected!. Did it make the world better!?Www@QuestionHome@Com