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Position:Home>History> Women in World War 2?

Question: Women in World War 2!?
Why did women enter the workforce in World War 2!?
What impact did women have on the war effort!?
How did the war affect their personal lives!?
What was a typical day for a wartime women worker and expected roles!?

please list your source! :) thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Go to PBS!.org/TheWar!.
It's all there!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Women had to work in factories because not enough men worked!. They produce weapons and food when demand are not met on battlefield!.
Women grew more independent with their own income to raise children or get a better paying job!.
Usually women worked a typical 10 hours day and are expected to assemble goods, like how people work in China today, except less harsh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.women entered the workforce in WWII because the men were drafted for the war!. there weren't enough men to work the jobs in the country so the women took the men' places!.
2!. women made a huge impact on the war effort because they kept the businesses going and made money for their families
3!.the war invaded the women's personal lives!. they had to change their way of living and not in a small way!. they weren't used to working out of their homes and having jobs that the men had!.
4!. not sure about this one
i learned this stuff during schoolWww@QuestionHome@Com