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Position:Home>History> Is there anything left of the french bastille?

Question: Is there anything left of the french bastille!?
is it still standing or are there any ruins of it!? or is it totally gone!. any artifacts remaining from the bastille!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the subway station beneath the square, stones from the Bastille's foundation can still be seen on line 5!.

I think the foundations are also marked out on the road in Place Bastille!.

On the site below, there's a photo of a model of the Bastille!. I believe this is in the Musee Carnavalet in the Marais, and it's built out of the actual stone of the Bastille!.
http://www!.aviewoncities!.com/paris/place!.!.!. If there are any artefacts left, I'm sure they would be in the Carnavelet - I visited years ago, and can't remember exactly!


No, it was demolished in 1789!. The July Column stands in its place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com