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Position:Home>History> History help?? multiple choice!!?

Question: History help!?!? multiple choice!!!?
1!. How has the Chinese government responded to calls for freedom since the demonstration in Tiananmen Square!?
a It has allowed more economic freedom!.

b It has allowed much greater political freedom!.

c It has become much more repressive!.

d It has imposed more economic restrictions!.

2!. On which of the following continents do people experience the greatest political freedom!?
a Africa
b Asia
c Europe
d South AmericaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, 2 is easy!. That would be Europe!. The question is simplistic but by process of elimination, Europe still wins out easily!.
As for 1!.!.!.None of those choices are quite right!. I'd have to go with the best of the bad answers and say (a)!. Since Tianamen, China has allowed much greater economic freedom!. Unfortunately it's not because of Tianemen; it's due to the inevitable progression toward globalization and even an evil government like China's can't stop it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com