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Position:Home>History> Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.?

Question: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams!.!?
What did these two men accomplish when they were president!? WHat changed in America cuz of these two!? What new laws were developed etc!.!? I'm looking for seperate answers for both John adams and Thomas Jefferson!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
adams and jefferson r gay with eachotherWww@QuestionHome@Com

Adams, always an Anglophile, allowed the USA to drift into an undeclared war with revolutionary France, and got the Alien & Sedition Acts passed!. These are precedents for the PATRIOT Act of the current Administration, the difference being that Americans of Adams time were still sufficiently enthused about freedom that Adams' actions destroyed his political party!.
Jefferson enlarged the USA through the Louisiana Purchase, setting the stage for the later expansion to the Pacific Coast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com