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Position:Home>History> Looking for map of Englands 16th century Norfolk?

Question: Looking for map of Englands 16th century Norfolk!?
I keep hearing, Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Essex and so on!.!.!. is there a map of this to help give me a visual!.!.!. and a side question!.!. why were these areas so important in title !?!?!? Its like you were the man if you were given one of these titles!.

I did find this sight!.!.!. but I'm not sure what Im looking at !?!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unfortunately for you the county is not the key to the importance of the title, the Dukes of Norfolk have their seat (ancestral home) in Arundel Castle, Sussex!. If you consider the name as an ancestral title and don't associate it with the county it might help!.
After the Duke of Cornwall (the eldest son of the reigning monarch) and the Duke of Lancaster (held by the reigning monarch) the Duke of Norfolk is the top Duke in Britain!. Duke is the highest rank of the British peerage one step down from monarch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com