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Position:Home>History> Which Pharaoh said to set up the pyramid and when is that? like 2000 B.C.?

Question: Which Pharaoh said to set up the pyramid and when is that!? like 2000 B!.C!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first known pyramid is the step pyramid of Saqqara which was pharaoh Djoser's tumb!. It has been built by Imhotep, Djoser's architect!. After having built the pyramid and the necropolis that surrounded it, Imhotep entered into the history of Ancient Egypt for ever!. It's not a wonder that Imhotep was soon considered as a god!. The step pyramid is the oldest stone building on this planet and it shows clearly that the Egyptians were really more advanced than any other civilization on Earth!. This sudden leap in the construction technology led to many legends and stories that are still being debated today!.

The pyramid was built during the reign of Djoser, pharaoh of the third dynasty who ruled in the period between 2700 and 2600BC!. The main difference with other pyramids lies its shape (see picture)!. The pyramid was surrounded by a 555 by 227 meter wall!. Though the whole complex is now about 4500 years old, it's still very well preserved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could you be more specific!. There were over 150 pyramids build by ancient Egyptians Pharaohs!. Remember the civilization is still the longest lasting on the planet even now, at over 3,000 years!.
Plus, your sentence makes no sense at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If your talking about the great pyramid at giza!.It was constructed by the Pharoh Knufu about 2550b!.cWww@QuestionHome@Com