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Position:Home>History> Hernando Artur Castillo (homework help)?

Question: Hernando Artur Castillo (homework help)!?
before the American southwest was American,Spanish and Mexican settlers made their homes in the places what we call Texas,new Mexico,Arizona and southern California!.many descendants of these early settlers still remain!.ranching was the business to be in,and my relatives were rancheros or ranch owners!.my name is Hernando Arturo Castillo!.when i was a boy most of my nights were filled with adventure stories told around the campfire!.my friends were gauchos,Spanish for cowboys!.thats ll i ever wanted to be!.their lives seemed so daring even though the work was hard!.i never became a gaucho partly because i tried it!.when i was sixteen i went with gauchos on a cattle drive to northwest!.men!i have never been so tired and scared as i was om those lonely plains at night!.
the question is

where is this passage set and why is it important !?
describe the perspective of Hernando Artur Castillo!.

Please help me with this!. It's for homework!. All help is REALLY appreciated!. Thanks!

Gosh, I'm so dumbWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California

Unless I am wrong, the first line indicates, that in that area we know now as American territory, it was once filled with Spanish, and Mexican settlers, thus implying that he lives or is in that area, which is why they are talking about it,
The perspective of him is that he is experienced or you can put tired, because he talks about how he tried but couldnt keep up, that either indicates weakness or the fact that he is talking of the past he is experienced about what he wanted to do and what not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com