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Position:Home>History> Which of these four U.S. Presidents had the most influence on America? GOOD OR B

Question: Which of these four U!.S!. Presidents had the most influence on America!? GOOD OR BAD influence!?
John Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, or Andrew Jackson!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
James (not John) Madison was the last of the original founding fathers!.!.!.he wrote the first ten amendments to the Constitution and he was smart enough and had courage enough to change a lot of his thinking and reverse his own opinion for the good of the United States
James Monroe was one of the most bi-partisan politicians we have had and had a strong belief that we should take care of ourselves (United States and other countries of the Americas) first and we should keep out of other peoples wars
John Quincy Adams did much to improve education, road systems and generally bring America to good standards!.!.he also opposed slavery
Andrew Jackson was in favor of doing away with the Electoral College and believed that a man should be able to vote for the person of his own choice!.!.he brought the deficit down to a level that had not been since the start of our country!.!.!.!.didn't last though!. Helped form the Democratic party and during his Presidency government jobs began to be given to party supporters only!.!.!.!.Jackson was probably the weakest example of a President out of the four listedWww@QuestionHome@Com