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Position:Home>History> What is the main difference between Greek democracy and American Democracy?

Question: What is the main difference between Greek democracy and American Democracy!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In Greek democray, all citizens, which were only the wealthy, educated, men citizens, had the duty to serve in the government!. To make sure that everything was okay and that there was no corruptcy!.
In American democray, the people choose a representative to make the decisions for them!.
This is called Representative democracy, the Greeks' democracy is called direct democracy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Greek democracy, it was truly for the people by the people!. In the American government, it is actually a republic!. The main difference is that the officials in the Greek democracies were elected by the majority; whereas the American government is elected by an electoral college that is supposed to represent a majority!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Greek democracy those eligable to vote(males who were free and owned property) voted on every decision to be made every day in the open common area of the town the decisions were to be made in, mainly this went on when Greece was still split into city states!. The US democracy is a representative republic whereby we elect the people we want to make those daily decisions for us!. If we were going to go back to a direct democracy every citizen would have the chance to vote on every decision every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Founding Fathers used a mixture of different historical ideas to create our nation!. They used the Code of Hammurabi,the democracy of Greece,the Republic of Rome and the Magna Carta!. In America we're a Democratic Republic!. We choose our leaders,but we're ruled by one person who also was chosen by the people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

greeks had kind of "town hall" meetings to decide new laws , and everyone had a say!. We elect officials to speak for usWww@QuestionHome@Com