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Position:Home>History> Why are people more ineterested about 6 million Jews??

Question: Why are people more ineterested about 6 million Jews!?!?
why do people talk more about the 6 million Jews, who Hitler killed, rather than the 20 million Russians, who Stalin killed!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

1!. It was an attempt to exterminate an entire group of people; and

2!. People keep trying to deny that it ever happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

largely because the Jews were drawn from all over Europe, and were murdered for nothing more than their religion!. Stalin killed his own people, and killed them for a wide variety of reasons, including counter-revolutionary activity and treason (or at least that was what they were charged with)!. It's a truism of our time!. If you kill your own people, you can get away with a lot!. If you go next door to kill people, you'll attract a lot of scoldings!. Just as a historical aside, Hitler killed people other than Jews, too!. He killed communists, dissidents, gypsies, intellectuals and homosexuals!. But again, since Jews were singled out for no cause other than their faith, they are remembered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stalin didn't kill 20,000,000 Russians!. That was the approximate casualty figure for Russia in WW2 (best estimate are 7,500,000 military deaths, 12,500,000 civilian ones)!.

This is not to say that Stalin bore no responsibility; but whereas the Nazi Holocaust was a policy of deliberate genocide; thr Russian losses were "merely" inflated by Stalin's ego and bad organisation!.

Two examples!. At Kiev in 1941 it becasme clear that huge numbers of Russians were about to be surrounded!. Stalin hesitated; changed his mind several times; and ordered a retreat too late!. About 600,000 Russians were taken prisoner; fewer than one in ten of whom lived to see Russia again after the war!.

At Leningrad, Stalin refused to allow the exacuation of the civilian population because "The soldiers will fight better for a living city than a dead one!." Leningrad never fell, but suffered a three-year seige in which starvation was a devastating killer!. On Christmas Day 1941 alone, 4,000 civilians died of hunger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's not a contest!.

one group's pain doesn't invalidate another group's pain!.

i should mention that an awful lot of the russians stalin killed were jewish, and as usual, they were killed for BEING jewish!.
