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Position:Home>History> Who was the English King that LOST power to the nobles and the church as well as

Question: Who was the English King that LOST power to the nobles and the church as well as lost land to France!?!!?
Who was the English King that LOST power to the nobles and the church as well as lost land to France!?! also if you don't think you know this one of my questions, please check out my other questions ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That would be John Lackland!.!.!. Younger brother of Richard the Lionheart!.!.

(He was the King from Robin Hood!.!. :P)Www@QuestionHome@Com

He also lost the Crown Jewels in the Wash!. No; that's not a joke - the Wash is an estuary between Norflolk and Lincolnshire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com