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Position:Home>History> Contrast the two things(city life and country life)?

Question: Contrast the two things(city life and country life)!?
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City- always somthing to do, proffesional sports, tons of places to shop, any resteraunt you can think of, great night life, multicultural, tons of people to date, lots of job opprotunities, better pay, better medical care, you can choose your grocery store!.!.!.!.!.to many people, to multicultural(you cant undrstand them), pollution, to many cars, traffic, to many stoplights, TRAFFIC, long lines(unless you know what time of the day to go), you can't usually see stars, more people seem rude due to city stress, always here some kind of noise, crime rate!.!.!.!.

Country- a lot less people, better air quality, you can see ther stars perfectly, you get to know your nieghbors a lot better, you can drive down a road and wave at people walking or diving(and they wave back), open country, deer, small town resteraunts(usually realy good cooking), you can actually get away when you need to, quite, shorter lines!.!.!.!. to quite, not enough things to do, you can only go a handfull of places for entertainment, can only get satiliete, not enough people to date, only so many people you can know(not nesisarily a bad thing), you eventually miss the city, real jobs are harder to find, only a few doctors to choose!.!.!.

I have lived in the city most of my life, 23 years, and 2 years in the country!. I now live in the city but plan to go back to the country when I have more money and more job exp!. To live in the country you have to have a general love for openess or just have enoguh years behind you to appreciate the calmer slower pace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is easy!.
City life- busy, noisy, so many people, everything and everybody are always in a hurry, dirty, traffic problems, very few people care!.
Country life- open land, fresh air, green grass, laidback lifestyle, people take time and they care, very little traffic, quiet, relaxed, and simply beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com