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Position:Home>History> Help 2 questions! please?

Question: Help 2 questions! please!?
1!. Even though World War II was not fought on U!.S!. soil, the war had a profound impact on Americans in virtually all facets of life!. Discuss how the war changed daily life for Americans, the role of citizens in the war effort, and the economic and cultural changes that occurred!.
In addition, how did various groups, including women, Japanese-Americans and African- Americans, see their lives change because of the war!?
Finally, why was the U!.S!. bound to be a different place after the war!?

2!.The Cold War was a time of great tension, both at home and abroad!. discuss for fall of China and the Korean War: the leaders involved, how, where and when conflict began, what the U!.S!. role was, including allies, what the result was, and how the event reflected, demonstrated or solidified the ideas of containment and the Truman Doctrine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The US did fight in WWII - so obviously it impacted the nation!. While soldiers were in Europe fighting, women (among others) were helping the war effort!. The US, after joining the war in 1941, became the largest producer of war supplies!. Women, above all, saw a change in society - since the men were fighting, they assumed the men's responsibility in the workplace - having done a good job, they deserved an uplift in status (since women were STILL seen lower to men)!. Japanese Americans - especially on the west coast - were prejudiced against because of Pearl Harbor!. Although America's fear is justifiable due to the complete and utter destruction of Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were subjected to life in Internment Camps (people actually lived in horse stables!) even though they pleged allegence to the US!. After the War, the US took its "rightful place" as a major world power - it defitinely impacted post war negotiations!.

The Fall of China was a "terrible loss!." People were very upset with Red China - the Korean War was also fought to contain communism, but it was much more of a victory (compared to China - which is still communist, today)!. US and USSR leaders were very much in contact, they didn't always like each other or agree, but they were able to keep things in wraps (especially in that they didn't start a nuclear war) There's no real start of the conflict - but the USSR had been communist since 1917 (bolshevik rev) and the US had done some questionable things (like leave the USSR out of post WWI negotiations, not give USSR a second front in WWII, and treat communists with contempt) so there was already conflicts between the two - the US's anti-communist feelings were not hidden!. The Truman Doctrine stated that we have the responsibility to help whoever wants to be helped to fight communism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I won't do your homework for you, but I'll let you in on something you're very wrong about!.

WWII WAS fought on U!.S!. soil!.
We entered after the attack on Pearl Harbor, in the U!.S!. Territory of Hawaii, sovereign U!.S!. soil and seaways!.

Multiple battles were fought on the Aleutian Islands of Attu and Kiska, part of the U!.S!. Territory of Alaska, again sovereign soil!.

Japanese submarines fired on the west coast of the U!.S!. mainland in fruitless and unsupported attacks on at least three occassions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like your homeworkWww@QuestionHome@Com

You lose your books !?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com