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Question: Help! 2 history quest!.!?
1!. what were the conflicts and effects of each of the following in the 1920s:
*the Red Scare

2!.Identify Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal programs of relief, recovery and reform, defining these terms and providing examples of programs that represent each idea!. Overall, why would you say that the New Deal was successful or not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the Red Scare was when people were afraid of Socialism/Communism - relations with USSR deteriorated, although that did stop the US from working with USSR to fight fascism!

there was conflict between races during the 20s (African Americans, as always :[ and the S/E Europeans that had different languages and customs than Anglo-Americans, as well as Asians - diff skin color) RASCISM was strengthened (and the KKK was revived for a while)

religion - catholicism/judaism was a target for the KKK, new religions came from all the diverse immigrants (South and Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin/South America)

FDR had a LOT of New Deal prog!. - research that on wiki; i believe it was a success - it brought in new jobs and calmed the people down; it certainly didn't solve all the problems, but it helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see the relation between those you've listed in #1 with WWII!.
Google: Roosevelt/WWII/NewDeal!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com