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Position:Home>History> Please help! its three history questions?

Question: Please help! its three history questions!?
1!. Why are Huey Long and Father Charles E!. Coughlin referred to as demagogues!?
a!.They manipulated people with half-truths and scare tactics!.
b!.They called for state ownership of factories and farms!.
c!.They planned, but did not receive credit for, most New Deal programs!.
d!.They resorted to bribery in order to pass FDR's programs!.

2!.Identify Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal programs of relief, recovery and reform, defining these terms and providing examples of programs that represent each idea!. Overall, why would you say that the New Deal was successful or not!?

3!. what were the conflicts and effects of each of the following in the 1920s:
*the Red Scare

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. they manipulated people with half truths and scare tactics
2!. well, the new deals were sucessful in achieving employment but it did not lift the americans out of the great depression!. his idea of recover, relief, and reform the nation by these new deal programs helped the economy!. i would say that the new deal programs were sucessful because some still exist today!. (for example, social security act)
3!. the Red Scare was the fear of communism by the people in 1920's!. People were often targeted for their political beliefs and immigrants mostly!.
Religion!.!.!.!.!.during the 1920's!. Fundamentalism was a popular religion, which is states that people must take the Bible translated literally!. Of course, at that time, this was challenged by the Scopes Monkey Trial!.
Race!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.African-Americans created the harlem renaissance and the jazz age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
