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Position:Home>History> African Civilizations???

Question: African Civilizations!?!?!?
did africa have any civilizations or kingdoms at all through out history!? im just asking because im pretty sure that africa was very advanced and on its way to prosperity until the Western nations came and destroyed everything and explioted the land for their own benefits because i was reading a book and it had photos of wall art and anicent african art like any other country did so im pretty sure that they had something so whats the deal!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When western powers came to Africa, most of it was still pretty tribal, although the affects of colonization were very negative for most African "countries" (I put countries in italics because because there were no separate countries until the European powers carved it up in the 1880's) Egypt is the most famous African civilization, very advanced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Explore the site below!. It provides links to sites about African history!.
