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Position:Home>History> How could America prevented an attack on Pearl Harbor?

Question: How could America prevented an attack on Pearl Harbor!?
Hi, I tring really hard to figure this out and maybe I'm missing the target!.!.!.

Can someone please guide me to the answer or an idea!. Please also leave where you got your information!. THANKS A MILLION!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good communication system!. There were signs everywhere - the Japanese Pacific fleet had been 'missing' for quite a while and a midget sub was sunk off Pearl Harbor just before the attack!. Intelligence, just like it is now, was controversial and army leaders didn't heed it's advice!. This is pretty much common knowledge but if you look it up in Google I'm sure you will find a source!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we could have pre-emptorily surrendered!. if Carter had been president, we surely would have!. or, we could have given the japanese the hawaiian islands; or we could have given them the west coast!. but then the massacre of 100's of thousands of chinese would not have been prevented, and the massacre of 100's of thousands of philipinos would not have been prevented, and between japanese on the west coast and german on the east coast, america would have been broken in two and YOU would have been born in a concentration camp!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's hard to prevent a sneak attack!. There were communications that were ignored, once the Japanese fleet was underway on their mission of destruction, but short of bombing the Japanese fleet to smithereens, which would have been very difficult for land-based planes to do, there isn't really any way that the attack could have been prevented!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There was a dispute over the Marshall Islands and that's part of what lead to it!. also, the U!.S!. not selling them enough oil and steel!.

To directly have prevented it, they could have kept the radar on, for one thing!.

There's also a conspiracy theory that the government let this happen to bring the U!.S!. directly into the war!. Hard to say, but I don't think so!. The navy was FDR's favorite little pet!.

It was very poor judgment on part of the leaders at the time to have allowed so many lapses in security and setting themselves up for an attack that they couldn't out run or defend against!.

Pearl Harbor's very shallow they say, so, it was impossible to try and spread out!. The fleet was literlly sitting ducks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well really the only thing that could have stopped the war was giving Japan rights to oil and other goods we had cut off from them!.

As for PH directly,

thats kind of hard considering how well it was done!.

DId you know that the first sign of trouble was when a naval destroyer sank a Jap midget sub off PH!?

That was like 6am or so!.

it was passed up the chain of command, but by the time the alert of a possible attack was finally sent to the ships in the harbor, the attack was nearly an hour into!.

it was bad communication that destroyed PH!.

they might have made a difference if there hadnt been such a delay (nearly 2 hrs)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They could have invented giant robots to intercept the Japanese fleet with photon torpedos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They could have had better communications between the radar stations and command HQ that was a factor indeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com