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Position:Home>History> Can anyone give me any information on Midwifery in the late 1800's (History

Question: Can anyone give me any information on Midwifery in the late 1800's (History and/or medicial knowledge)!?
Writting a paper!. Not a lot of info out there!. Maybe someone could suggest a website of book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Obstetrics: The science and the Art by Charles Delucena Meigs

On the theory and practice of midwifery By Fleetwood Churchill

Woman; Her Diseases and Remedies: A Series of Letters to His Class
By Charles Delucena Meigs

A Treatise on the Venereal Disease
By John Hunter, Ph!. Ricord, Freeman Josiah Bumstead

Those three basic references should be able to be found on Google Books!. Typically they start out with a detailed discussion of the pelvic region, Menstruation 101, disorders of same, pregnancy, disorders of same, delivery and complications!.

The fourth title discusses VD and the fact that mercurial treatments were falling out of favor for advanced methods of VD treatment!. A silver catheter dipped in glycerin and inserted into a blocked urethra would help the patient pee again!. Pee plus silver equals silver nitrate, which killed gonorrhea on contact!.

All three of the titles give lie to the broad statement "they were ignorant of the human body and had no idea what they were doing in medicine!."

OB-GYN was coming into its own as a medical specialty after 1850!. George Teimann's catalogue of surgical instruments covers a whole chapter on forceps and other instruments to assist in delivery!.

Thank you for asking for primary sources instead of online hearsay!Www@QuestionHome@Com