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Position:Home>History> George Kennan?

Question: George Kennan!?
I'm doing some report thing which involves Kennan and Truman (1940's)
and I'm sure Kennan more recently denounced Truman's iinterpretation of his long telegram!.!.!. Does anyone know where I can find a source proving this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
See the article on George F!. Kennan in the Wikipedia!. Kennan deplored the military confrontation with the Soviets!. He intended containment to be primarily political!. See bits from the article!.

The solution, Kennan suggested, was to strengthen Western institutions in order to render them invulnerable to the Soviet challenge while awaiting the eventual mellowing of the Soviet regime!.

Kennan was asked about the misunderstanding of the "X" article in a television interview with David Gergen as recently as the mid-1990s!. He again reiterated that he did not regard the Soviets as primarily a military threat!. "They were not like Hitler," noted Kennan!. In Kennan's view, this misunderstanding

all came down to one sentence in the "X" Article where I said that wherever these people, meaning the Soviet leadership, confronted us with dangerous hostility anywhere in the world, we should do everything possible to contain it and not let them expand any further!. I should have explained that I didn't suspect them of any desire to launch an attack on us!. This was right after the war, and it was absurd to suppose that they were going to turn around and attack the United States!. I didn't think I needed to explain that, but I obviously should have done it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com