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Position:Home>History> How well do you know the Kennedy clan?

Question: How well do you know the Kennedy clan!?
1!. Who founded the Special Oylmpics!?
2!. What member of the family was his/her motivating reason for doing this!?
3!. What male member of the Kennedy family has never had a run-in with the law!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Eunice Shriver (Eunice Kennedy Shriver)
2!. Rosemary Kennedy was mentally retarded!.
(Both of the above are siblings of JFK)
3!. Not sure abt this answer!. Joseph Kennedy Jr, who died in W W II, might qualify!. Actually I bet there are several answers to this question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Eunice Kennedy Shriver
2!. sister Rosemary was mentally challenged
3!. Joseph P!. Kennedy JrWww@QuestionHome@Com

1) Peter Crawford
2) Caroline
3) JJWww@QuestionHome@Com