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Position:Home>History> Can you mention some events that were inspired by the french revoultion (1789)??

Question: Can you mention some events that were inspired by the french revoultion (1789)!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The French Revolution was the first movement to really try to bring equality to the people of a country!. It influenced the writings of men like Marx and Proudhon, which in turn were used to bring about many of these events:

1848 Revolutions
Paris Commune of 1871
Russian Revolution
Vietnamese Revolution
Cambodian Revolution
Laotian Revolution
(Remember Indochina was colonized by the French and many revolutionaries were educated in France)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This part of French History was important because of the different types of government they had!. Socialism, liberalism and nationalism all were results of the Revolution!. It gave people the idea that they could reorganize a society whenever it was needed!.
The greatest legacy of the French Revolution was that people could change anything that they wanted with political ideas, words and laws!. Revolutions in countries from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America have been and still are inspired by the French Revolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Equal Rights ~ elimination of Nobility as a defined class
Granting of full civil rights to Protestant and Jewish people, not only Catholics!.
2!.The Catholic clergy had enjoyed extensive property rights and special privileges under the Old regime and the Civil Constitution of the Clergy of 1790 required all priests and bishops to swear an oath of loyalty to the new order or face dismissal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com