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Position:Home>History> My friend said something today about someone who was rumoured to have ruled the

Question: My friend said something today about someone who was rumoured to have ruled the world!?
Ososirus or something!.!.
Whats the actual name and is there any truth to what she said!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They might be refering to Osiris, an Egyptian God!.

Mythology says that Osiris was the " Ruler of the Underworld!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

She may mean Osiris--one of the main gods worshipped by ancient Egyptians!. Since he was not human, he really couldn't have literally ruled the world!. There are some people who may have a claim to having ruled the world, though:

1!. Genghis Khan--he conquered more area than any other person--from Mongolia, he went throughout Asia and even conquered parts of Europe!.

2!. Alexander the Great--a Macedonian king who conquered Greece, most of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East, and all the way to India!.

3!. The Romans--conquered Egypt, much of northern Africa, the Middle East, and all but the northernmost parts of Europe!.

4!. Adolph Hitler--conquered a great deal of Europe!.

5!. Napolean Bonaparte--also conquered a great deal of Europe, and Egypt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody has ever ruled the world but ur spelling alludes to Osirus albeit the God is just mythology!. Napoleon never conquered Egypt he returned to France when his army was imperiled!. Alexander the great may've been the closest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com