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Position:Home>History> Why did McCarthyism become bad?

Question: Why did McCarthyism become bad!?
He exposed many communists whom were trying to help the Soviets!. Why is it now a negative term!? I thought he was helping the US by his work!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
McCarthyism did not "become" bad, it was evil and misguided, not to mention unconstitutional, from the get-go!.

There are nearly as many 'branches' of communism as there are, say, political parties in the US!. Not all of them were in any way affiliated or even in approval of the Soviet Union's brand!.

It is important to understand that while we could never have defeated the Nazis without the help of the USSR, the tyrannical methods of Josef Stalin left many US communists wary if not downright fearful of the Soviets!.

The Stalin regime, in fits of paranoic 'cleansing', ruled with fear!. This was nothing like the wonderful, life-affirming ideals of Karl Marx and Frederich Engles!.

Joseph McCarthy, the Rush Limbaugh slob of the fifties, was particularly incensed with the notion that many of the USA's communists were actors, artists, writers, journalists, and academics!. This, in many ways, is still true today!. While avowed communists are few, the right wing morons in the US still point out a "liberal bias" in the arts, the universities, and the news business, both electronic or print!. There is a rather simple reason for this: to succeed in any of these fields one must be fairly intelligent, and intelligence is always lacking in the violent and hate-filled right wing!.

McCarthy damaged or completely ruined the lives of many of the best people in this country, before sliding into the cess pool of his own making, that of hate, fear, and alcoholism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

McCarthyism started as an attempt to expose communists whom were trying to help the Soviets but ended up like the dark ages witch hunt, many academics, artists who have no affiliation with communism were accused, harassed and blackmailed just for being outspoken!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hard to say really!.When one starts pointing the finger eventually that same finger may point at one′s self!.Like the line from the poem "Ask not for whom the bell tolls!.It tolls for thee!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poor old Joe is not the first to be turned into an ogre for trying to do good!. Hitler was another, so were Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com