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Position:Home>History> Zimbabwe? plz help!?

Question: Zimbabwe!? plz help!!?
im doing a project on zimbabwe!.!.!.i need to know these following information:
military size
military spending
major historical figures
current people of importance or notoriety
any current issues affecting the country (AIDS, civil wars, political, etc!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a lot going on right!. The President Mugabwe (sp) just lost the election and is attempting to steal it!. He has annexed all the white owned farms and turned them over to the indigenous folk!. Zimbabwe has gone from a food producer for Southern Africa to an importer and the economy is suffering 1000% annual inflation rates!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Used to be called Rhodesia!. There was a liberation movement headed by two figures with their own gangs, Robert Mugabe and Josua Nkomo, and others!. Over time Mugabe won by murdering most of Nkomo's people!. He still controls Zimbabwe today, and will not relinquish power, probably knowing what might happen if he is caught without power at the mercy of his enemies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com