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Position:Home>History> What was the manifest destiny?

Question: What was the manifest destiny!?
does it have anything to do with the alamo cuz that keeps popping into my headWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Manifest Destiny was the belief that God wanted the American colonists/settlers to continue to expand west!. They believed the land was meant for them, it was their god given right to plough the prairies & mine the mountains!. While the Alamo happened during the period that manifest destiny is usually ascribed to, I've never heard the two conflated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Manifest Destiny – a phrase used by leaders and politicians in the 1840s to explain continental expansion by the United States – revitalized a sense of "mission" or national destiny for Americans!.

The people of the United States felt it was their mission to extend the "boundaries of freedom" to others by imparting their idealism and belief in democratic institutions to those who were capable of self-government!. It excluded those people who were perceived as being incapable of self-government, such as Native American people and those of non-European origin!.

But there were other forces and political agendas at work as well!. As the population of the original 13 Colonies grew and the U!.S!. economy developed, the desire and attempts to expand into new land increased!. For many colonists, land represented potential income, wealth, self-sufficiency and freedom!. Expansion into the western frontiers offered opportunities for self-advancement!.

To understand Manifest Destiny, it's important to understand the United States' need and desire to expand!. The following points illustrate some of the economic, social and political pressures promoting U!.S!. expansion:

The United States was experiencing a periodic high birth rate and increases in population due to immigration!. And because agriculture provided the primary economic structure, large families to work the farms were considered an asset!. The U!.S!. population grew from more than five millon in 1800 to more than 23 million by mid-century!. Thus, there was a need to expand into new territories to accommodate this rapid growth!. It's estimated that nearly 4,000,000 Americans moved to western territories between 1820 and 1850!.

The United States suffered two economic depressions — one in 1818 and a second in 1839!. These crises drove some people to seek their living in frontier areas!.

Frontier land was inexpensive or, in some cases, free!.

Expansion into frontier areas opened opportunities for new commerce and individual self-advancement!.
Land ownership was associated with wealth and tied to self-sufficiency, political power and independent "self-rule!."

Maritime merchants saw an opportunity to expand and promote new commerce by building West Coast ports leading to increased trade with countries in the Pacific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



Here are a couple links that will help,, the reason you have to ask instad of being able to search for your answers is your using yahoo not google!. I only use this site to talk trash on Jerry WangWww@QuestionHome@Com

it kinda does
manifest destiny was something america wanted to achive
basicly it was spreading the us from the east coast to the westWww@QuestionHome@Com

Manifest Destiny was a goal or idea that thge enbtire North American continent would be a country from coast to coast under the USAWww@QuestionHome@Com

People believed it was our God given destiny to have dominion over this whole continent, from sea to shining sea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com