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Position:Home>History> Is there any relation between the Salem witch trials and the Blair witch trial b

Question: Is there any relation between the Salem witch trials and the Blair witch trial besides the obvious!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, the Salem witch trials in 1692 was just out of fear!. People were dying of unknown reasons, and people just went pure crazy!. They didn't have medicine or knowledge of what was going on and them being naturally religious, they just thought some supernatural force was the only logical explanation!.

The Blair Witch trials I do not have much knowledge of!. I do know that these two epidemics were based in around the same area which was NorthEastern North America!. I cannot say, but I'm pretty sure they were different!. When the Blair witch trials occurred, they had medicine and were aware of some diseases and such!. It was just probably another series of false acquisitions and too many afraid people to come out and tell the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The Salem Witch Trials are historical fact that can be--and has been--extensively documented!. The Blair Witch is complete fiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, theres no relation b/w them!. Salem witch trials is a well known fact and an important part of history!. Blair Witch project is totally made up !.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Salem Witch trials were people stealing land from people who wouldn't sell!. Call them a witch, put them on trial, kill them, then take their land!.

Blair Witch is just entertainment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com