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Question: What food did ancient egyptians eat!? Please help!.!?

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The poorest people in ancient Egypt seem to have subsisted on bread, beer, and a few vegetables, notably onions: according to the Greek writer Herodotus it was with these very commodities that the builders of the Great Pyramid were paid!.

Bread was made from emmer-wheat, which was ground on an arrangement of stones called a quern!. Numerous types of loaf were produced!. Beer was usually made from barley and seems to have been a thick, soupy liquid, which, although not always strongly alcoholic, was nutritious!. In a scene from a New Kingdom tomb a child is shown holding a bowl and the accompanying line of speech read "Give me some ale, for I am hungry" thus emphasising the nature of beer as a food rather than simply a drink!. Beer was also sometimes sweetened with dates or flavoured with other fruits!.

The texts on ostraca excavated at the workmen's village of Dier-el-Medina (the men who built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings) indicate that the worker's payment took the for of food rations!.!. emmer and barley were the most prized items, since they were part of the staple diet!. Beans, onions, garlic, lettuces and cucumbers were among the most regular supplies of vegetables, and salted fish also formed an important part of the villagers' diet!. Meat was usually provided in the form of complete cattle from the temple stock-yards, or simply as individual portions!. Outside Deir-el-Medina, meat would have been regarded as a considerable luxury for most Egyptians, something to be eaten primarily at festivals or on other special occasions!.

The wealthy would have eaten oxen, and the evidence from the Middle Kingdom shows that pigs were raised for their meat!. Hare, gazelle, and other wild animals would have provided a supplement to the diet of poorer people, as well as providing hunting quarry for the elite!. Animals were also used as a source of fat, and in order to provide milk for cheese making!. Ducks and, from the New Kingdom onward, hens were kept for eggs and meat, and wildfowl were hunted for sport and food!.

Various fruits such as dates, figs, grapes, pomegranates, dom-palm nuts, and more, rarely, almonds, were available to both the inhabitants of the workmen's village at Deir el-Medina and to the population at large!. Grapes were also used in the making of wine, and there are numerous tomb scenes of vintners at work!. Wine, however, appears to have been consumed by the wealthier groups in Egyptian society, and the jars in which it was kept frequently states its place of origin and year of vintage!.

Honey was obtained from both wild and domesticated bees, and in the absense of sugar, it was used to transform bread into cakes and to sweeten beer!. It is recorded at Deir-el-Medina that confectioners were employed to prepare honey-cakes for the gang of workmen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was very rich agricultural country!. They ate bread,beans, poultry,fish, dates, nuts and many vegetables!.
They also invented beerWww@QuestionHome@Com

wheat, barley, beer, ham, beef,duck, goose, dates and watermelon!.lWww@QuestionHome@Com

Manna and Quails!.Www@QuestionHome@Com