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Position:Home>History> Slavery of blacks or jews?

Question: Slavery of blacks or jews!?
i know both races were treated brutally and inhumanly by other races and countries, but who do u (as a personal opinion) mixed with facts think that suffered more and for the longest time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well jews are still jews arent they
more than 100,000,000 African decendants in the Americas are not African or have a clue where they came from!. Speak other languages have different names!.
Jews are successful Africa is having many troubles places like Angola and Congo are very sparse half of Africas population is under 25!.
Jews suffered worser than the slavery of blacks
but black people in total suffered far more worse than jews
slavery colonization segregation racism un fair trade ruining history well can you name me a black religion or one which has not been labelled evil or nonsense vodou, voodoo, rastafarian etc well Jews are respected black people are muslims catholic etc today even we see a jew as successful and a black as trouble but you should not compare they both sufferedWww@QuestionHome@Com

my honest opinion is that Jews have suffered the most!. They had been persecuted for so long and it still goes on today, not that the black people haven't struggle it's just that accumutavely Jews have had it the worst!.
Jews: Holocaust, Exodus, people without a land, concentration camps!.
African Descent: slaveryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Blacks, they were raped and half of them were dragged away from home!. Some tossed in the Sea!. Most of them don't know their own language!. No sense of roots!. When people look at a Blackman they form a picture of a criminal!. In America Blacks were on concentration camps for centuries forced to watch their family be slaughtered mentally and physically for centuries!. In public schools Blacks only history began when the Whites kidnapped them and left Africa in dissarray!. And Made them chattel!. It's just messed up!. And peple still don't like Blacks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Jews, because Jews in sense were hated by the world!.
Black a lot of the times were just used, and it transcended to hate because they thought they were better!.
But for what I know, people hated Jews more if they were working for them or harming them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it was the Jews!. They were treated brutally and practically hated by everyone, I mean look at what happened with Hitler!.

The Blacks were just used because of their skin colour and they were thought to be inferior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no contest the Jews of course!. Kicked out of there homeland 2000 yrs ago never welcome anywhere else, surviving countless Progroms over that 2000 years!.

the Blacks suffered for about 300 or 400yrsWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's not a pain contest you know! how about we try not to let it happen again to ANYONE instead of playing groups against each other!?
