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Position:Home>History> What were three major battles of the American Civil War?

Question: What were three major battles of the American Civil War!?
if you know them can you please give me the dates and the locations!. please i would really appreciate it!. i know most of them but i dont know the three major battles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There were more than three major battles of the war!. Here are some of the major battles of the war:

First Bull Run (aka First Manasas): July 21, 1861 near Manassas Junction, Virginia!. Union name Bull Run due to Bull Run Creek, a major physical feature of the battlefield!. Confederate name Manassas due to the nearnest to the town of Manassas Junction!.

Shiloh (aka Pittburg Landing): April 6-7, 1862, near Shiloh Tennessee!. Union name Pittsburg Landing for the boat landing on the Tennessee Rivier!. Confederate name Shiloh for the most prominent structure on the battlefield, Shiloh Church!.

Antietam (aka Sharpsburg): September 17, 1862 at Sharpsburg, Maryland!. Union name Antietam for Antietam Creek, a major physical feature of the battle!. Confederate name Sharpsburg for the town of Sharpsburg!.

Fredericksburg: December 13, 1862, Fredericksburg, Virginia!.

Gettysburg: July 1-3, 1863, Gettysburg Pennsylvania!.

Note the fact that several of these have multiple names!. That's because often the Union named a battle for a physical feature, usually a river or creek, while the Confederacy named for a nearby town or man-made structure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gettysburg and Antietam always come to my mind first!. After that maybe Bull Run or Fredricksburg or Vicksburg!? Oh, yeah 1st Manassas!. Check the page below for some others and the dates etc!.!. Many of the actions of the war took place over days or weeks and Gettysburg, as an example, was really several battles in one!.

This from the site below's Vicksburg page:
"Grant's troops then defeated Confederate forces in five separate engagements!. After a 6 week seige, Confederate forces surrendered!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

that all depends on who talk to!. in my opinion Gettysburg it stop the invasion of the north, the south was in complete retreat!. the loss of Atlanta ment nothing could stop Sherman!.and the battles between monitor and csa virginia with ment the south could the lift blockade of the inland portsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Basicly the first bull run or first manasasas then anietiem the bloodiest battle then gettysburg the turning point of the war!. there are many other battles but those are the most importantWww@QuestionHome@Com

Provide your list and we'll give you our opinions on which are the top three!.

My opinion: Gettysburg - Lee's farthest advance into the North!.
First Manassas

I think anyone you ask will be able to give, and defend, at least three!. You've been provided with some great answers - pick three that mean the most to you (so YOU'LL be able to back up your answer), do a little research (very little time involved and off you go!.

You could also pick YOUR three and ask on here WHAT people think of those particular battles and WHY they think they are remarkable That would be a big help and not so daunting to potential answerers!.
I'm going to add Antietam!.!.!. and!.!.!. and!.!.!.!.

GOOD JOB and GOOD LUCK!!Www@QuestionHome@Com