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Question: Weapons used in medieval warfare!?
I need a list of weapons that were used in medieval warfare and what they are used for!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Crossbow- Easy to learn how to use!. You just have to crank the string back, aim and pull the trigger!. Advantages:
accurate, easily pierced most armor, easy to teach even uneducated peasants to use!. Disadvantages- painfully slow to reload, a bit lacking in range in comparison to long bows and composite bows!.

The Longbow- advantage- high rate of fire, long range accuracy, can pierce plate armor at a 100 yards!. disadvantage- literally takes years of practice (hours daily preferably) to become proficient!. Used mainly by the English and Welsh!.

The mace- All kinds of configurations and styles!. Typically a metal ball attached to the end of a stick!. Inflicts blunt force trauma and can crack plate armor!.

The pole Axe- Axe head mounted on a shaft of wood between 6-8 feet in length, Gives you better reach, can cleave through a horse/and or the rider!.

Swords- sooo many kinds, but its pretty self explanatory, you use it to stab, cut/and or thrust into your opponent Some examples: The falchion (think of a machete with a hand guard) The claymore (Scottish great sword ala braveheart)

Spear- various lengths and sizes, pointy tip on a wooden shaft!.

Bill hook- A farm implement turned weapon- its a long shaft of wood with an angled axe head and a hook at the top!. It was very effect at hooking riders and dragging them out of the saddle and down to where the foot soldiers could hack them to bits!.

Pike- A very long spear, typically 18 feet or so, used in a dense block (phalanx, shilltron) formation to ward off cavalry or push into a similar enemy formation!.

Partisan: A long knife blade on the edge of a wooden pole, often wielded by Italian city state's armies

War hammer/ war mallet- Think of an enlarged hammer or mallet, made of iron and attached to a long pole, could crush plate/cause blunt force trauma!.

Lance- The couched lance of the high middle ages was used by the mounted knight to skewer his opponents, not used as much on the real battlefield as it was on the tournament grounds!.

Pavise- large shield or mobile screen used by archers during battles and sieges!. Some crossbowmen had the medieval equivalent of bat boys to carry their pavises for them into combat!.

flail- basically a mace with the ball attached to the pole by a chain, swung constantly to build momentum, took a lot of stamina to use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1- Arrows to shoot down the enemy from a distance

2- Spears to block the enemy's cavalries

3- Sword to engage the enemy into hand to hand combat

4- Battle axe, which was more effective than a sword in several occasions

5- Battle ramp, catapult, scaling ladder, & siege tower for siege warfare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many different types of weapons used but I'll give you some special use ones!.

The stalletto(sp!?) was a dagger that had a square blade!. It was used to pierce chain mail!.

A war hammer was effective against full plate male because it would hit the armor with so much force that the shock of the blow would transfer straight through the armor to the person inside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

swords - common form of melee (man 2 man combat)
shields - protection from arrows, swords
lance - used while on a horse, u strike the other person with it
mace - stick with a spiky ball on the end, used to crush bones/armor
bow & arrow - kill an enemy from a distance
spear - can be thrown or used to jabWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would say swords!? and shields!? To kill each other!? Well I guess maybe you can go catch some old war movies or u noe, medieval war movies like maybe troy or smth to c the weapons!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trebuchet!. It could fling heavy projectiles at high speeds into enemy fortifications, it is kind of like a catapult!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cannons for some BOOM! action!.!.!.
Swords to stab and slice!.!.!.
And of course the mace!.!.!. who could go wrong with a big, spiky, spinning ball!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lance, sword and mace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com