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Position:Home>History> What impact did France have on the settlement/colonization of North America?

Question: What impact did France have on the settlement/colonization of North America!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the "Century of Conflict," Joseph Lister Rugledge http://www!.questia!.com/PM!.qst!?a=o&d=6119!.!.!. he minutely describes how the French tried to drive the settlers out of the New World so they could have it all to themselves--not for colonization--they didn't care about colonizing it--but for the natural resources!.

In that 100 years the French only made the settlers more determined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The french had Louisiana and New Orleans in their control along with Quebec too!. The still speak French in parts of Quebec todayWww@QuestionHome@Com