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Position:Home>History> WHAT IS THE Gregorian calendar?

Question: WHAT IS THE Gregorian calendar!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Gregorian Calendar, also known as the Perpetual Calendar, is the modern day calendar used to determine dates and years!. It started out as a continuation of a system devised by a monk starting from the first year following the birth of Jesus Christ (note the presence of B!.C!. (before Christ's birth) and A!.D!. (Anno Domini, Latin for after Christ's birth) on years)!. It kept the leap years accurate every 4 years, but it had accuracy issues when the Roman calendar designated the year of Christ's birth as 753 that placed a lot of displacements of years (if this year we would be following the Roman calendar, it would be year 2761, not 2008)!. The predecessor of the Gregorian Calendar was the Julian Calendar, created by Julius Caesar, in which we adopted one year as having 365 1/4 days, but, the inaccuracies made on this calendar were noticed by many philosophers, in which days become too long by minutes, in which there is a day's error every 128 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Gregorian is a solar calendar and moreover designed to be kept synchronized with Sun!.
