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Position:Home>History> What was the attire of a medieval squire?

Question: What was the attire of a medieval squire!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It would depend on where he was!. Mainly, a woollen shirt and linen drawers!. knee breeches and a tunic with a belt, padded at the shoulders and flared at the waist!. It would have sleeves that were long and, if he were in the height of fashion, dagged!. It would be decorated with embroidery and be very expensive so he would not be wearing his court dress if he were attending to his duties on the field of battle!. His shoes or boots would be made of leather and come up to his knees or sometimes just over his ankles!. If he were very fashiiobale then they would have very pointed toes that tied just under his knees!. (and made walking rather difficult!)
In Chaucer's Prologue to the Canterbury tales there is a lovely description of a Squire and Chaucer was speaking at first hand!.
Remember that the Middle Ages lasted several hundred
years!. Fashions did change within that period and in different parts of Europe!.
A book of costume for the stage from your local library would be a great help with its illustrations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a barrel with straps on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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