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Position:Home>History> Ku Klux Klan 1920s?

Question: Ku Klux Klan 1920s!?
I have to write a newspaper article about culture clash in the 1920s, as if im writing in that time!. What is an event that happened in the 1920s relating to the KKK and immigration, race, or w!.e that i can write a report on!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well the kkk was a anti blacks group!. the kkk consisted of only white male that everyone of the village they lived in knew!. everyone knew who was in the kkk but they couldnt do anything about it because they have no proof of them doing all that bad stuff!. they usually burned a cross in the front of the african americans house so it would leave a mark on the grass!.!.!. ummm!.!.!. well also they usually whipped, threatened, or killed most of the african americans!. they created the clan because after the slaves were free they didnt want them to use thier rights so yeah!. the color of thier outfit was usually by rank!. red is leader i think!?
i hoped that helped =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you ever think that by learning from the past that you are keeping the hate alive!?
There are always going to be reasons to hate each-other,
go with manifest destiny, its one of the oldest reasons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

look into immigrant labor on railroads in the south!. the History Channel had a good show that talked about it!. check thier site!.Www@QuestionHome@Com