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Position:Home>History> Ceaser chavez?

Question: Ceaser chavez!?
would he have gotten as far as he did if it weren't for the support from people in politics!? Who are some of these people!. we were looking @ this @ school and I was wondering!. My teacher is old and stupid and has NO IDEA what he is talking about! so mayB sum of u can explain! =] thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cesar Chavez was important in the 50s and 60s as a leader fighting for the rights of migrant workers!. He became successful because of the rightness of his cause, as well as the fact that awareness of and improvements of rights for minorities were seen as important, and his drive and energy!.

Support of any kind is important!.


i think his parents were a great influence on his life and success, too

I know ALL about Ceaser Chaves! He's a hero!. Back in the late 50's and early 60's Hispanics didn't have their rights!. (They weren't even illegal, they were all legal!) They hardly never got hired for a job but if they did they got hired as a farm worker working all day in the hot sun!. It was not an easy job at all! They got payed not even minimum wage they got payed a few pennies a day if they were lucky!. That was wrong! So Ceasar Chaves led a group and stood up for Hispanic American rights! They fought hard but eventually they won! Then the Hispanics were granted their rights at last!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com