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Question: WW2 boycotts!?
For history we have to find out about when Nazis boycotted jewish businesses, Can anyone help!?!?
When did they start and when!?!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
History is not without it's sence of humor though it may be grim black humor!. The boycots began April 1 1933 - - - - instead of blathering I will toss links along with pictures etc!.!.!.!.

(Note the APril 1 1933 was a one day boycott but after that Nazi thugs continued to urge a boycott of Jewish owned businesses and through the rest of the 1930s Nazi thugs would paint anti Jewish slogans on store fronts anbd harrass shoppers entering and leaving the store!. The Nazis were really 'brave!.' AN old woman would leave a Jewish store with a bag of groceries and four or ten big huge guys in their 20s would snatch away the bag, throw it in the ground, slap the woman around calling her a c^nt and worse!. EVentually people got the idea in their heads that it wasn't smart to shop at Jewish stores - - - in 1938 an event called Kristalnacht signalled an o-k for Nazi thugs to set fire & destroy many of the few remaining Jewish stores see final link below)

April 1, 1933 - Nazis stage boycott of Jewish shops and businesses!.

April 11, 1933 - Nazis issue a decree defining a non-Aryan as "anyone descended from non-Aryan, especially Jewish, parents or grandparents!. One parent or grandparent classifies the descendant as non-Aryan!.!.!.especially if one parent or grandparent was of the Jewish faith!."

"""The Boycott of Jewish Businesses
In 1933, about 600,000 Jews lived in Germany, less than one percent of the total population!. Most Jews in Germany were proud to be Germans, citizens of a country that had produced many great poets, writers, musicians, and artists!. More than 100,000 German Jews had served in the German army during World War I, and many were decorated for bravery!.

Jews held important positions in government and taught in Germany's great universities!. Of the thirty-eight Nobel Prizes won by German writers and scientists between 1905 and 1936, fourteen went to Jews!. Marriage between Jews and non-Jews was becoming more common!. Although German Jews continued to encounter some discrimination in their social lives and professional careers, most were confident of their future as Germans!. They spoke the German language and regarded Germany as their home!.

When the Nazis came to power, the lives of German Jews changed drastically!. On April 1, 1933, the Nazis carried out the first nationwide, planned action against them: a boycott of Jewish businesses!. Nazi spokesmen claimed the boycott was an act of revenge against both German Jews and foreigners, including U!.S!. and English journalists, who had criticized the Nazi regime!. On the day of the boycott, Storm Troopers stood menacingly in front of Jewish-owned shops!. The six-pointed "Star of David" was painted in yellow and black across thousands of doors and windows!. Signs were posted saying "Don't Buy from Jews" and "The Jews Are Our Misfortune!."

The nationwide boycott was not very successful and lasted just a day, but it marked the beginning of a nationwide campaign by the Nazi party against the entire German Jewish population!. A week later, the government passed a law restricting employment in the civil service to "Aryans!." Jewish government workers, including teachers in public schools and universities were fired!.""


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