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Position:Home>History> 3 important events?

Question: 3 important events!?
My bday is Apr!. 30th! [yay!. i lu presents!. lol] and I was wondering the if u could give me an imortant event, important birth, and important death!. Please don't make the event the same as the death!. i don't want the same thing over and over!. thnxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
313 - Roman emperor Licinius unifies the entire Eastern Roman Empire under his rule!.
1492 - Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration!.
1812 - The Territory of Orleans becomes the 18th U!.S!. state under the name Louisiana!.
1995 - U!.S!. President Bill Clinton became the first U!.S!. President to visit Northern Ireland!.

1245 - King Philip III of France
1553 - Louise de Lorraine-Vaudémont (Queen of France)
1770 - David Thompson (Canadian explorer)

65 - Lucan (Roman poet)
1063 - Emperor Renzong (Chinese)
1131 - Adjutor (Roman Catholic Saint)
1555 - Pope Marcellus II
1945 - Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide after being married for one day!.

Hope I helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com