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Position:Home>History> Did General Sherman go through and attack Bentonville?

Question: Did General Sherman go through and attack Bentonville!?
Bentonville, NC!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
General Sherman sent the leftt wing of his army, under Maj!.-Gen!. Henry W!. Slocum, north as though Raleigh (and not Goldsboro) were the ultimate objective!.

Confederate General Joe Johnston attacked Slocum's forces near Bentonville on March 19, 1865!. This forced Sherman to bring his army to Slocum's aid!.

The battle at Bentonville was Slocum's fight!. Johnston was defeated and withdrew to Smithfield, and Sherman ordered the left wing to return to the march on Goldsboro!.

To answer your question, no General Sherman did not "go through and attack Bentonville!."Www@QuestionHome@Com