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Position:Home>History> What are the underlying reasons for US loosing in Vietnam?

Question: What are the underlying reasons for US loosing in Vietnam!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The United States did not lose the Vietnam War!. If you look at the record of the war, I believe there were no battles lost by the American troops!. They were not allowed to do their job in the extent that the military leaders did not have complete control!. They were restricted by the President and his military (civilian) advisers!. Troops were rotated frequently and new troops took time to figure out how to fight in the jungles of Vietnam!. President Bush (the first Bush) recognized this when America declared war against Iraq after the Kuwait invasion!. The troops were in for the duration!. The scope of the Vietnam war was limited!. Similar to the situation in Korea, when the troops were there to prevent rather than advance against the enemy!.
In 1972, North Vietnam finally realized that the war was a stalemate!. The two sides met and arranged a cease fire!. In January of 1973 the Paris Accords went into effect!. The US agreed to withdraw all its troops from Vietnam in 60 days!. Congress had stopped funding the war effort!. The North Vietnamese government agreed to release all prisoners, which they never did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just after WW2, Vietnam's leaders asked the US to help them obtain freedom and democracy by keeping the French colonial masters out of their country!. Truman refused to help them and sided with the French!. The Vietnamese saw the US as just another colonial power trying to keep our very corrupt puppet government in the South alive!. Our troops didn't even know where Vietnam was and didn't care before they were sent there!. The Vietnamese were fighting to keep corrupt colonial governments out of their south and unify the country!. The Vietnamese Army Generals ran their side of the war!. The US side was run by Washington DC politicians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It being a politician led war and not a General led War like the original Desert Storm was!.

When you just let your Generals go at it the numbers will fall into place, but when politicians mess around with the war machine it gets fouled and dirty!.

Why do you think the Germans lost WW2!?

less than half of the civilian deaths in The Vietnam 'War' were South Vietnamese!. There was no reason to be there in the first place, and was a pointless conflict only instigated to benefit the Military Industrial Complex and used as a testing ground for our next generation of weapons that were newly created, the same as with the original Gulf War!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We didn't lose, we just came to our senses and realized that the South Vietnamese didn't really want to defend their country!. Its a shame we didn't pull out before we lost 50,000 of our men!.

We really didn't belong there in the first place!.

Ask your teacher to tell you the real reasons why we were in VietNam to begin with!. !.!.!.and also ask why we left!? and also ask why they are saying we lost, when we didn't!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The US did not lose!.We just gave up and went home when it looked like the South Vietnamese were not capable, interested or in enough numbers to resist joining the North!.We gave them every chance:advice,supplies,training and the blood of our own men but they did not have the will of their people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We Pulled our troops out prematurely!. We would have won if we stuck it out and fought to win!. The liberal media and the universities swayed public opinion and the politicians acquiesced and pulled our troops out, resulting in the deaths of 2 million Vietnamese and Cambodians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Despitge what other contributors say, the US lost the war because it lost the will of its people to fight!. also they were fighting a determined, able and innovative enemy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com