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Position:Home>History> What are some reasons slave states decide to secede out of the Union between 185

Question: What are some reasons slave states decide to secede out of the Union between 1851-1860!?
The only thing that I could think of is state's rights!.
What are some other reasons!? If you can find the source, I appreciate!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The obvious reason is the threat the North posed to the institution of slavery!. The South was mainly agricultural as their climate was suited to the production of cotton in particular, and relied on slave labour to produce!. Basically, the livlihood of the South depended on the use of slave labour!. In the 1850s, the institution became more and more threatened, and the tension gradually built, increasing hostility between the North and South!.

It began with the Wilmot Proviso in 1848, wherein the North proposed the prevention of slavery in the states gained after the Mexican War!. There were various crises over specific states, e!.g!. California, New Mexico, Kansas and Nebraska (I could go into detail, but it's LONG, but I'm sure you could find lots of info on specifics on the internet!. Actually, a great book to get would be "The Impending Crisis" by David Potter, or "The American Civil War and its Origins" by Alan Farmer - both give detailed explainations)!.

The main reason the war erupted when it did was the election of Lincoln!. The Republican party were dead against slavery, and the South resented and felt threatened by having a President who was against slavery:
When South Carolina seceded, they declared that "A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery"!.

I hope that helps in some way! Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

The main reasons that some of the southern states cecedded was because of the northern states trying to take away their states rights!. IF it had been over slavery, there would have been several more states that would have left, including Maryland!. The "Slave" issue was just a ploy to get northern men to enlist to fight this "evil", and to keep France and England out of the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mainly the South left the union because they wanted to keep their slaves!.
Slaves were of great value!. The value of slaves made up half of the value of everything in the south!. If they lost their slaves, they would lose millions of dollars!.
There were 9 million people who left the Union, and about 4 million of those people were slaves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How 'bout: They wanted to keep their slaves!
States Rights is it!. Though MANY dispute this view - it ties directly into slavery!. As most of the North had abolished slavery - or was in the process of it - the South DID NOT want to give theirs up!. Their economy would have (DID) ground to a halt without free labor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com