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Position:Home>History> Queen Elizabeth and William Shakespeare?

Question: Queen Elizabeth and William Shakespeare!?
I have this paper I have to write on shakepeare and everyone in the class got a different topic they have to write about and the topic I got was Queen Elizabeth!. So I have to write a shakepeare paper on queen elizabeth!. I hope that makes sence to you!. The essay is 5 paragraphs long: 1 intro, 1 conclusion and 3 body paragraphs!. I'm having a hard time finding information I think it would be easier if I already knew my 3 main ideas for the 3 body paragraphs!. For one of them I am doing the Elizabethean Theatre but I still need 2 more!. The topics have to do with Shakepeare and Queen Elizabeth!. Please Help!
It's Elizabeth the 1st not the 2nd if you haven't already assumed that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
William Shakspeare's patron was the Earl of Southampton, the Earl was co-conspirator with the Earl of Essex in his plot to de-throne Elizabeth, Shakespeare's play Richard 2nd was widely thought to symbolize thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

GIRL, u have gone mad , how could Elizabeth and Shakespeare !?srry girl but on that u got me lost!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This will give you what you need http://east_west_dialogue!.tripod!.com/eur!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com