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Position:Home>History> What lessons were learned in World War I that were applied in World War II?

Question: What lessons were learned in World War I that were applied in World War II!?
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I'm assuming you want a serious answer!.
The key lesson learned was the importance of motorized mobility and armor!. There would be no trench warfare stalemates in WWII!. This was due to the use of tank columns and the development of air power!. If there had been trenches
in WWII, air power and saturation bombing would have inflicted huge casualties on stationary concentrations of troops!.

I agree with the above answer about gas warfare!. No one returned to the use of gas as a weapon in WWII!. They would have if it might have worked, but they learned in WWI that gas warfare could be as dangerous to their own troops as to the enemy!. also, there were no trenches filled with enemy soldiers in WWII as stated in my answer above!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most telling lesson tactically was the lesson of mobility!. Much of World War One was fought from "the trenches"!. That was hideously expensive in terms of materials and in terms of blood!. With the development of armored vehicles and air transport, it became obvious that the next major war would depend on these means!. Logistics and communications were equally important: one had to be able to follow a fast-moving mechanized army with gasoline and oil and spare parts in enough volume to prevent your lead tanks from running out of gas in the middle of a battle! And you'd best be able to feed your tank crewmen too - tanks can't drive themselves even today!. Communications tell the guys in the rear who're gathering the gasoline supplies and the food and all the rest where that war material is most urgently needed and enables them to direct the cargo convoys along the most direct route to the fighting!. Prior to World War One, signals was by telegraph and by using signal flags and flares!. In World War One, the usefulness of wireless communications - radio - was discovered, and good numbers of radio hams were drafted and put to work in military communications!. The development of reliable radio communications was one of the most critical tasks in that war!.!.!.and once it was over, the various governments, ours included, were very reluctant to return any portions of the radio spectrum back over to Amateur Radio (ham radio operators) and commercial interests!.
Um - as far as this old ham is concerned, they should'a kept a serious restriction against commercial radio and television!.!.!.it's become such a sewer lately! I mean, come on: "The Flavor of Love", "Rock of Love", Tila Tequila - gimme a break, fer cripes sake - that crap makes me vomit!Www@QuestionHome@Com

For a few specific examples-

Germany built her army around motorised, armoured units that British leaders from WW1 had suggested!. This lead to her early successes!.

The Soviet Army was much more careful about using radio transmissions, becasue the Germans had monitored these and won the Battle of Tannenburg in 1914!. In Operation Bagration in 1944, the Soviet's achieved complete surprise in part because they did not use the radio very much from communications!.

The only a small part of the army actually fights!. The Germans realised this in WW1 and by 1918 their attacks were being led by 'Stormtroopers'- the guys in the army who could be relied on to use their guns!. During WW2, every army had to re-learn this!.

U-boats!. The German submarine campaign of WW2 was in many ways modelled on the lessons of her campaign in WW1!.

Many of the 'lessons' of WW1 were hypotheses and conjecture, some of which worked out (eg, the use of tanks) and some of which did not!. The mass bombing of cities in WW2 was justified because it was believed by some that by bombing cities, land battles could be avoided!. With the important exception of Hiroshima, this was not the case!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That you can transport people & arms & kill more people with a plane than without!.

Lord know, the Germans didn't learn a thing since they started both wars!.

America learned that we are part of the world & it is in our interest to preserve peace wherever needed!. Prior to WW1 we were isolationists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. The best way to get to France is through Belgium!. The 2!. French really never won a war without a lot of help!. 3!. One of the reasons that Germany declared war against Russia was that the Tzar had mobilized his troops!. Stalin knew this and delayed mobilization so as to not repeat the same mistake!. 4!. Great Britain had a lot of colonial assets that were willing to join the fight!.
5!. Poison gas can work both ways!. It's said that even though Germany had nerve gas, they didn't use it because England had more stocks and would retaliate!.
6!. All it takes for the United States to have an excuse to butt in is the sinking of a ship or two with American nationals on it!.

One thing no one learns is that in a war, ultimately, no one wins!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never try to compete to another country and never try to make horrible discoveries about weapons that are used to kill thousands and thousands of innocent people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How war can be more destructive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com