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Position:Home>History> Pop culture of Post World war 2?

Question: Pop culture of Post World war 2!?
Social Conformity
What was life like for many american families!?
how did it impact women men and teens!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the rise of suburbia!. at that time, new rows of houses in a single community became very popular!.

the rise of the teenager!. comic books also begun in the 1950's and so is the rise of the period between childhood and adulthood!. many companies wanted to take advantage of the emerging group!. companies like coke, comic books, even movies portrayed lives of teens!. (before the 1950's, the term teenager wasn't even invented yet)!.

3-D!. the popularity of 3-D glasses for the comic books was also very popular!.

drive-ins!. the drive-in movie theatre was quite a convience for moviegoers!.

the hula hoop and coonskin caps

popular 50's music:
Don't Be Cruel/Hound Dog
Elvis Presley
Love Letters in the Sand
Pat Boone
It's All in the Game
Tommy Edwards
Mack the Knife
Bobby Darin
Theme From a Summer Place
Percy Faith Orchestra
Tossin' and Turrin'
Bobby Lewis
The Twist
Chubby Checker
Sugar Shack
Jimmy Gilmer & Fireballs
I Want to Hold Your Hand
Rolling Stones

as for tv, I Love Lucy was the best tv show!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Immediate post WW2 was a transition period!. With the end of the war, and rationing still in force, and industry in transition from war to peacetime, not a lot of pop culture products were available to consumers!.

By 1952, TV starts to overtake radio and Hollywood as the entertainment media!. Magazine publishing (with all their ads) flourishes!. A teen culture emerges that has not political or social agendas, but lots of money to spend! Men and women fell into conformity, with the spouse and kids and a house in suburbia and mowing the lawn every Saturday morning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Right after WW2, there was no so-called pop culture!. At least not yet!. That didn't happen until the mid-50's!. The other two questions deal with sociology!. You best Google them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com