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Position:Home>History> Why did the holocaust happen?

Question: Why did the holocaust happen!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Holocaust happened because of Hitler and the Nazi government believing people weren't worthy!.

It happened between 1933 and 1945!. Hitler gathered an army to take out anyone he didn't find worthy!. Mainly jewish people!. 6 million jews died!.

Hitler wanted to create a "perfect race!." A perfect race of pure Aryan people would be people with mainly blue eyes, blonde hair!.
Anyone who didn't have those features were considred not worthy!.

People who weren't worthy:
Anyone who was in any way disabled
Mixes Races
Non Caucasions
Many of these people were taken to the camps!. Over 300000 people were sterelized so that they couldn't have children!.

The Nazi's also kidnapped around 60000 blonde hair blue eye children to be adopted!. If they weren't adopted, they too got sent to the camps!. It was a very hypocritical, and corrupt program!.
In the camps, most died from being gased, being shot, being worked to death, or disease!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Adolf Hitler was an Evil B**T**D!.
plain and simple!.
he was actually religious too, would you have thought that!?

!.!.!. he convinced the germans to become nazis and blah blah blah!.!.!. causing the holocaust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was in hitlers words "the final solution to the jewish question"!. it happened because Hitler wanted the all Jews to be wiped off the face of the earth!. so, this was his method of killing them all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you REALLY don't have an opinion on this, I concur with Stuggi!.
Then there's also www!.ushmm!.org and yadvadhem!.org!. Much more definitive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

go to google!.com look up the holocaust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com