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Question: Cuban Missile Crisis - Why not just call!?
How long did it take for Kruschev's and Kennedy's letters to go back back and forth!?

Why did they use letters anyway, why not just pick up the phone!? I know the hot line wasnt installed yet, but surely calling is a quicker way of dealing with it rather than mailing letters back and forth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was just no way to get into each other's telephone system; well without giving away the fact that their intelligence agencies were listening in!. The "letters" were exchanged via ambassadors at each capital!. They in turn coded them and transmitted them via their own secure means (telegrams basically)!. It took less than an hour from conception to delivery to the other side!. Both parties knew what was at stake and did what they could to expedite the process!.
The "hotline" didn't exist at that time!. That was actually a RESULT of the Crisis!. The "hotline" while it does have a voice capability, actually consists of pre-canned messages, that both parties translated, and then translated back before agreeing on them!. That ensures that translation issues are minimized!. It also has the ability to transmit free-form messages as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm venturing a guess, but I'd say sending letters was a way to avoid accidentally saying something that one side could use against the other!. In a letter, the message could be reviewed and approved before it went, whereas on the phone, one doesn't have that luxury!.

also, compare it to events taking place today!. The United States and Iran never speak, yet they both influence each other's actions!. A few years ago, Iran sent a letter to Washington to discuss issues!. Countries don't have direct talks with each other if they have poor diplomatic relations!. That's true today and it was true in 1962!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They weren't put in a bloody mail box for crying out loud!.
Have you never heard of a Diplomatic Pouch or Diplomatic Courier!?
Sure - just pick up the 'phone and have a chat!. How many people do you think would be listening!?
Common Sense!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com