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Position:Home>History> Immediate consequences of the russian revolution?

Question: Immediate consequences of the russian revolution!?
what are some of them!? would world war one be one- like the change in the balance of forces!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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neither answers were particularly accurate, since you asked for immediate consquences!. it's nice to see that you don't have to be knowledgable at all in order to be a top contributor (see above)!.

okay, first question is which revolution!? there were 2 in 1917!. the first, the february revolution (occurred in march n!.s!.) was the one that took out the tsar and installed kerensky as leader!. the second, the october revolution (occurred in november n!.s!.), was the one in which the bolsheviks (and if you think there's a C in that word you probably don't have a clue what you're talking about! see above also!) took power!.

immediate consequences of feb!. revolution include the removal of the romanovs as the rulers of russia, a position they'd enjoyed since 1613 (mikhail romanov commencing)!. as you know the russians were involved in ww1 at this time, but kerensky was not interested in ending that war, so on it went!.

now, leading up to the oct!. revolution there are some consequences from the feb!. revolution!. this perceived power vacuum called vladimir lenin back into russia!. at this point he and the bolsheviks began planning their coup!. there were disagreements about whether or not they should do it within the party, but we all know how that turned out!.

october revolution: now the good one!. the consequences are real here!. after taking power the bolsheviks withdrew from ww1!. they also developed a constituent assembly, like a parliament or congress or what-have-you!. they did not win a majority of the seats!. the immediate consequence of this was to ignore that election and the constituent assembly never met again!. this foreshadows things a bit, doesn't it!?

okay, so the revolution happened in the cities, petersburg, moscow, spreading out to the smaller provincial cities, saratov, novgorod (gorkiy), etc etc!. in the countryside things were messed up!. people basically had no idea who was in charge!. they heard rumours about what was happening in petersburg and moscow (petersburg first because that was the capital!) and various peasant bodies were set up to try to govern the people!. local assemblies (zemstvos) were sometimes broken up, sometimes effective, sometimes a bit of both!. it was and still is a big country!. but chaos is a good way to describe it!. remember that they'd just lost a few million men in a huge war, lost their ruling family of a few hundred years, and nobody was really telling them anything!. what would you do!?

after this, when things settled enough for the chaos to organize sides, a civil war was waged: reds (bolsheviks) vs!. whites (not really as organized!. some were monarchists, some were just against the bolsheviks)!. the war ended in 1922, so that's not immediate, but the war almost was!. that immediate consquence had long term effects, tho!. for example, stalin would not forget (he didn't forget much, and most of it bothered him daily, he was a bit paranoid) how the US supported, although not officially, the whites in the civil war!.

i dunno, there's lots more, but i don't know exactly what you need to know!. i could probably write all day on the subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Russian revolution ended WW1 for the Russians!. Lenin was sent to Russia by the Germans and he made a deal with them!. There was a civil war for years!. The most effective military officers were killed under both Lenin and Stalin to prevent a coup!. Russia was dominated by ignorant peasants!. Most of the college educated fled or were murdered!. On the other hand, many factories were built and the number of vehicles increased dramatically, especially in the army,Www@QuestionHome@Com

That would certainly be one!. when the Bolshevics left the war effort, the whole Eastern front became moot!. The Central Powers (Germany and her allies) were able to concentrate on the Western front!. Of course, the stalemate there continued, but the Centrals were able to shift attention to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both prior answers are accurate!.
I'd like to add that there were MILLIONS of deaths - Russian on Russian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com