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Position:Home>History> YO DIGGY DOG hellp!?

Question: YO DIGGY DOG hellp!!?
the other day i was walkingg yo and like deees weirddd people came up 2 me and was like ***** give me yo money fool and i was so scaredd so i did and now i have no money, what shouldd i do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Did you report it to the cops!? If not, do!. You were right to just hand it over because it kept you from getting hurt!. Doing without money is easier than some of the alternatives!.

You also need to take a good look at the area where you were mugged!. The easiest defense against stuff like that is to avoid areas that are rundown or poorly lit!. Pick your time of day to go into those areas when lots of people are about!. Take a few friends!. Muggers might tackle a couple of people, but when you add a third, it starts getting risky!. Too many people to watch!. Oh, and carry mace and a whistle!.

Wearing clothing and shoes that are worth something is also a lure!. Better to dress in Walmart specials when you go into a poor neighborhood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you don't go to school for nothing!
speak ENGLISH!
now repeat that question properly and maybe you will get an answer 'diggy dog'!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Times to regulate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stop talking like an idiot and get some mace or a tazer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com