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Position:Home>History> British National Health Service?

Question: British National Health Service!?

Follow the link to the source!. Why do you think the artist (Bill Proud) drew the cartoon!? Explain your answer!.

Give 2 inferences, 2 supports and 2 explanations!. Answer in the format of :

1!. Infer
2!. Support
3!. Explain

The person who can give me the most understandable answer gets ten points!. Thank you for your cooperation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
From the source, I can infer that NHS is not efficient in reducing the waiting time of the patient!. This can be seen from the source that the patients' faces look unhappy and disappointed!. This shows that NHS has not done its part in providing quality service by reducing the queuing and waiting time of the patients!.The NHS also does not give choice to their patients!.

From the source, I can also infer that there are not enough doctors in NHS!. This can be supported by the words on the signboard,"All our doctors are busy helping other customers!." This shows that NHS is not efficient in providing quality health care services for their people as they are lack of professionally trained doctors and their customers have to wait for a long time before they are attended by the doctor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People won't respond to you, you're wasting valuable time!.

But, in reference to the cartoon!.!.!.!.at least you get a recording and get the opportunity to remain on the line to talk to a specialist!.

Here in the US, I recently had a situation where after I dialed the #, the recording said, "!.!.!.to speak to someone in English about your emergency, press "1" !.!.!." I pressed "1", I got one ring, and the line disconnected, This happened 3 times!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no one will really cooperate to you because it is obvious it is just homework and you are lazy doing it!. anyway, i'll give you my simple observations!.

that cartoonist wants to tell people that doctors in the country are so few that all can't be entertained at the same time!. it is obvious in the drawing what does it want to express!. you really don't want to make observations!. go now and observe, it is just easy if you try it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com