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Position:Home>History> PLEASE ANSWER RFK questions?

Question: PLEASE ANSWER RFK questions!?
1!.Do you think that RFK loved his mistresses more than Ethel
2!.Was he a good politition
3!.Did people only like him because of his brother
4!.Would he have won the presidency if he hadn't been killed

Please answer these and feel free 2 add any other detailsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Don't mistake a one night stand for love !. Ethel and Bobby had a good relationship

2!. He was an extraordinary politician !. Someone you would trust to work for you !.

3!. Bobby was a great leader in his own right !. I just can't explain it !. He was like a magnet !. People simply had to talk to him or listen to him and know there was something special about him !.

4!. Yes he would have been president !. He would have won over 60% of the vote !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think RFK loved Ethel but he needed his mistresses for sex!. Ethel was pregnant so often!.

I think he was a good man politically!.

Probably some only liked him because of his brother but many liked him for himself!.

I think he would have won the presidency if he wasn't killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com